Since 2005, the Fondation Rurale Interjurassienne (Inter Jurassian Rural foundation) organizes the Swiss Local Food Competition, held every two years. As a result of collaboration between UNIDO and the FRI under the PAMPAT project (Project for Market Access of Terroir Products), funded by Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), this model was replicated in Morocco and Tunisia and the methodological guide on how to set-up the National Contest for Typical Products was developed.

pampat meeting

Chamber of Food industries and Food Export Council in Egypt expressed interest in organizing the National Contest for Typical Products with support of UNIDO under the second phase of the SECO-funded PAMPAT project as one of the recommendations provided by UNIDO on promoting typical products in Egypt. The mapping and an in-depth analysis of typical products were conducted by UNIDO, which will serve as a basis for the identification of typical products to be included in the first Contest in Egypt.

The National Contest for Typical Products is a national event, covered by media and targeted to the general public, bringing together consumers and producers over terroir products. Its ultimate aim is to generate income for farmers and/or operators dealing with production, processing or otherwise adding value to such products. 

The contest in other countries :