Mish Cheese

Mish cheese is a processed dairy product that has been produced in Egypt since at least the Medieval times.

When ripe, this cheese has a yellowish-brown color, and it tastes sharp, salty and pungent.

The processing of this type of cheese is conducted by households and by factories to further be sold in the market. Culturally, there is no special event to eat mesh cheese, however it is mostly eaten with feteer which in some governorates is served in weddings and parties.

Mesh cheese is made by fermenting salty cheese for several months or years. At home, mesh cheese is usually made from Areesh cheese. The cheese is drained, rinsed and layered with salt in an earthenware jar. The jar is then filled with pickling solution o fbutter milk, sours kim milk, whey, red and green peppers. Some old mesh is added to start the fermentation. The sealed container is then left for a year or more at ambient temperature, the container may be opened so that some can be removed forconsumption, and fresh cheese and other ingredients added, so there is no particular limit to the age of mesh. 

Mish Cheese